
Authors submitting to the Thompson Rivers University Law Review (“TRU Law Review”) must agree to the terms of the open-access and copyright policies.

Open-Access Policy

We support and adhere to policies which facilitate the unrestricted, global exchange of scholarly ideas and information.

The TRU Law Review is an open-access publication. Its content is completely and freely available on its website to anyone with access to the internet. There are no financial or technical barriers to accessing the information in this journal. Anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, and print the components of this publication provided authors are appropriately cited and given due credit for their work.

Authors published in the TRU Law Review may self-archive a complete, finalized version of their article in a publicly accessible repository. This journal does not prescribe an embargo period; authors may deposit their work into a repository immediately upon publication.

The TRU Law Review does not ask authors to pay an article processing charge.

Copyright and Distribution Policy

Copyright for all manuscripts will remain with the author. The TRU Law Review does not constrain authors from reproducing or distributing their work. Authors may create derivative works and post their articles in online repositories.

Authors must grant the TRU Law Review the exclusive license to publish the article for the first time and a non-exclusive license to distribute the article or extracts thereof. Authors must authorize the TRU Law Review to receive a financial return from the sale of print journals which include their work, and to migrate their work to future formats and collections.

Any subsequent publication of the text must properly cite the TRU Law Review as the journal of first publication.